SACRIFICE. you made one. i made one. we all make them. but you were angry over yours. you kept thinking about what you lost. sacrifice is part of life. it's not something to regret. it's something to aspire to.
sometimes when you sacrifice something precious, you're not really losing it. You're just passing it on to someone else.
each of them was in your life for a reason. you may not have known the reason at that time, and that is what heaven is for. For understanding your life on earth.
that's what heaven is. you get to make sense of your yesterdays.
this is the greatest gift God can give you : to understand what happened in your life. to have it explained.
There are no random acts. That we are all connected. That you can no more separate one life from another than you can separate breeze from wind
Strangers are just family you have yet to come to know.
time is not everything and dying is not the end of everything. we think it is. but what happens on earth is only the beginning.
all endings are also beginnings. we just don't know it at that time..
memory becomes your partner. you nurture it. you hold it. you dance with it.
life has to end. love doesn't!
this is me :D
- this is my life with all the things inside
- ♥ my family so much ♥ my dear sooo baddd ♥ all of my best mates ♥ my dance team and management ♥
Saturday, October 31, 2009
this quotes, *sometimes* changed my life-sight
Oktober 2008
"Setiap kecantikan dan keindahan itu ada maanya dan kemudian berlalu.. Tetapi kecantikan dan keindahan itu dapat selalu bersama kita, apabila kita merawatnya.. Dan kosmetik yang dapat menjaganya adalah keceriaan"
_Mario Teguh_
24 November 2008
"Don't you think you are the greatest one!!"
_9 matahari_
24 November 2008
"Dia tidak pernah salah memilihkan peran dan skenario hidup seseorang.."
_9 matahari_
24 November 2008
"When you're wishing to be someone else, someone else in somewhere is wishing to be YOU!!"
_9 matahari_
"Sesuatu yang paling berharga adalah.... detik yang baru saja lewat.. karena, kita tidak dapat kembali ke sana lagi.."
"Yakinlah yang kuat tentang kepastian"
_a cat in my eyes_
mind become reality
POWER OF LIFE --> spirits make positive energy
* whatever it is, your feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
* you create your own universe as you go along
- take the first step in faith. you don't have to see the whole staircase, but just take the first step.
- most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing.
- all that we are is the result of what we have thought.
imagination is everything. it is the preview of life coming attraction.
whatever the mind of man can conceive it can achieve.
when you have inspired thought you have to trust it and you have to action it.
all power is within and is therefore under your own control.
whether you think you can or you can't, either may you are right.
follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you, where there were only walls.
* whatever it is, your feeling is a perfect reflection of what is in the process of becoming
* you create your own universe as you go along
- take the first step in faith. you don't have to see the whole staircase, but just take the first step.
- most people offer the majority of their thought in response to what they are observing.
- all that we are is the result of what we have thought.
imagination is everything. it is the preview of life coming attraction.
whatever the mind of man can conceive it can achieve.
when you have inspired thought you have to trust it and you have to action it.
all power is within and is therefore under your own control.
whether you think you can or you can't, either may you are right.
follow your bliss and the universe will open doors for you, where there were only walls.
Thursday, October 29, 2009
vanilla twilight - owl city
The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you dear
'Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
Till I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because when I think of you
I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear,
Oh darling I wish you were here
crying at the noon :(( :'(
hari ini awalnya gw semangat banget..
biasanya di jalan gw tidur, even di mobil bokap ato di bis sekalipun..tapi hari ini nggak, gw nikmatin perjalanan banget bertiga sama bokap nyokap..
gw ngrasa semenjak kuliah, gw lebih sering bareng nyokap bokap, karena kampus gw yang searah sama kantor nyokap n bokap, jadi gw bisa sering bareng pas berangkat dan kadang juga dijemput pas gw pulang sore..
pas masuk, gw sempet agak bete sih sama temen sebangku gw..tapi gw anggep angin lalu ditegor sama dosen eko mikro karna ke gep ngobrol..shit banget..tapi untung gw bisa jawab n ngerjain soal dari dy..
meskipun gw basicly IPA, tapi gw bisa aja ekonomi gitu, gak beda sama matematika sih menurut gw..
trus pas mat bisnis, ada kuis, dan beruntung gw bisa ngerjain..dapet 100 pula gw..gimana gak seneng, gw dapet 100 di antara temen temen gw yang gak bisa..
trus pas udah abis jam kuliah, gw nunggu deh tuh bis di depan artha gading seperti biasa.. dan tumben banget bis itu lama banget muncul nya.. setengah jam gw BERDIRI nunggu bis.. mana sakit perut dan kebelet pipis :(
untung aja "nggak lama" dateng deh tuh 25, berungtung bukan 40 yang dateng, karna i'll be very hot without ac.. dan beruntung gw dapet duduk..tidur ajalah gw di bis..
sampe rumah, gw mandi, makan..
trus gw memutuskan untuk nelp Aldo..
tapi Aldo nadanya galak banget, katanya dy lagi kumpul kelompok karna disuruh sama bagian pembinaan kampus dy itu buat bikin property apa lah itu gak ngerti!! jadi gw disuuruh nelpon ntar lagi...
sedih banget rasanyaaaaaa....
gw udah lama banget gak cerita cerita sama dy..
gw punya banyak hal yang mau gw ceritain ke dy, dan gw butuh advise dari dy..
alhasil selalu deh gw pending semua cerita cerita gw..
kadang kalo gw pengen cerita, gw cuma nulis sepotong sepotong di twitter aja..
kebayang gak sih gimana rasanya mendem cerita gituu??? padahal biasanya gw kalo ada sesuatu langsung bilang ke dy, dy juga gitu..
tapi sekarang???????
gw udah gak pernah gitu ya cerita cerita ke orang..
kadang gw cerita sepotong sepotong ke adek kelas gw Adeline, ke Olin, Nanda, Bella, Yohanna, Ino, and Putri..
tapi tetep aja ya, tujuan gw pengen ke si Aldo..
gw terkesan lebay mungkin, tapi ya emang begini lah rasanya..
kalo gw boleh mau balik kayak SMA lagi, tiap hari bareng sama dy..
dan semua gara2 this FUCKING DISTANCE!!!!
awalnya gw pikir gw bisa lah..
tapi lama lama berat juga yaaa???
kangennnn paraaahhh,,,
tau deh,.
padahal awalnya gw nyantai, gw mikir bandung bekasi cuma 2 jam gituuuu
tapi ternyata kesibukan gw di kampus super duperrrr...
ini gw belom jadi pengurus IAF..gimana ntar gw jadi panitia SEMA, IAF, seminar2???
bisa gilaaaaaa
kalo gw bangun, dy tidur, gw tidur, dy bangun..
gw cuman bisa nangis dan paling gw nulis blog ini ajaa..
gw takut kalo mau cerita ke sahabat sahabat gw..mereka udah punya masalahnya masing masing, jadi ya masa gw maksa mereka dengerin gw lagi..paling kalo gw bener bener gak tahaaaannn baru deh gw cerita ke mereka..
hhh..gak tau lah apa lagi yang mau gw tuliss..
ini sih belom smuanya yaa..tapi udahlah ngebuat gw lega sedikitt..
thanks for u, my blog..
biasanya di jalan gw tidur, even di mobil bokap ato di bis sekalipun..tapi hari ini nggak, gw nikmatin perjalanan banget bertiga sama bokap nyokap..
gw ngrasa semenjak kuliah, gw lebih sering bareng nyokap bokap, karena kampus gw yang searah sama kantor nyokap n bokap, jadi gw bisa sering bareng pas berangkat dan kadang juga dijemput pas gw pulang sore..
pas masuk, gw sempet agak bete sih sama temen sebangku gw..tapi gw anggep angin lalu ditegor sama dosen eko mikro karna ke gep ngobrol..shit banget..tapi untung gw bisa jawab n ngerjain soal dari dy..
meskipun gw basicly IPA, tapi gw bisa aja ekonomi gitu, gak beda sama matematika sih menurut gw..
trus pas mat bisnis, ada kuis, dan beruntung gw bisa ngerjain..dapet 100 pula gw..gimana gak seneng, gw dapet 100 di antara temen temen gw yang gak bisa..
trus pas udah abis jam kuliah, gw nunggu deh tuh bis di depan artha gading seperti biasa.. dan tumben banget bis itu lama banget muncul nya.. setengah jam gw BERDIRI nunggu bis.. mana sakit perut dan kebelet pipis :(
untung aja "nggak lama" dateng deh tuh 25, berungtung bukan 40 yang dateng, karna i'll be very hot without ac.. dan beruntung gw dapet duduk..tidur ajalah gw di bis..
sampe rumah, gw mandi, makan..
trus gw memutuskan untuk nelp Aldo..
tapi Aldo nadanya galak banget, katanya dy lagi kumpul kelompok karna disuruh sama bagian pembinaan kampus dy itu buat bikin property apa lah itu gak ngerti!! jadi gw disuuruh nelpon ntar lagi...
sedih banget rasanyaaaaaa....
gw udah lama banget gak cerita cerita sama dy..
gw punya banyak hal yang mau gw ceritain ke dy, dan gw butuh advise dari dy..
alhasil selalu deh gw pending semua cerita cerita gw..
kadang kalo gw pengen cerita, gw cuma nulis sepotong sepotong di twitter aja..
kebayang gak sih gimana rasanya mendem cerita gituu??? padahal biasanya gw kalo ada sesuatu langsung bilang ke dy, dy juga gitu..
tapi sekarang???????
gw udah gak pernah gitu ya cerita cerita ke orang..
kadang gw cerita sepotong sepotong ke adek kelas gw Adeline, ke Olin, Nanda, Bella, Yohanna, Ino, and Putri..
tapi tetep aja ya, tujuan gw pengen ke si Aldo..
gw terkesan lebay mungkin, tapi ya emang begini lah rasanya..
kalo gw boleh mau balik kayak SMA lagi, tiap hari bareng sama dy..
dan semua gara2 this FUCKING DISTANCE!!!!
awalnya gw pikir gw bisa lah..
tapi lama lama berat juga yaaa???
kangennnn paraaahhh,,,
tau deh,.
padahal awalnya gw nyantai, gw mikir bandung bekasi cuma 2 jam gituuuu
tapi ternyata kesibukan gw di kampus super duperrrr...
ini gw belom jadi pengurus IAF..gimana ntar gw jadi panitia SEMA, IAF, seminar2???
bisa gilaaaaaa
kalo gw bangun, dy tidur, gw tidur, dy bangun..
gw cuman bisa nangis dan paling gw nulis blog ini ajaa..
gw takut kalo mau cerita ke sahabat sahabat gw..mereka udah punya masalahnya masing masing, jadi ya masa gw maksa mereka dengerin gw lagi..paling kalo gw bener bener gak tahaaaannn baru deh gw cerita ke mereka..
hhh..gak tau lah apa lagi yang mau gw tuliss..
ini sih belom smuanya yaa..tapi udahlah ngebuat gw lega sedikitt..
thanks for u, my blog..
i love them all below :)
you know, i was born in my little family on August 19, 1991..
day by day, i grow up until today..
in the age of 18th, i realized that, i really really lucky being born as my self..
you know, i have family which is loveable.. my dad, mom, also my sister even i look like -usually easily get angry with her- but, i love them so much..
they all filling my life with everything.. smile, tears, all of that..that maybe no one from you know the problems inside.. (but i told to my boyfriend) hehehe
my dad..
he's the best man ever that i have..he always made me feel comfortable, even sometimes i hate to..i know he loves me..i know know he didn't want anything bad will annoying me..
he taught me being independent about my life..
he taught me to not rely on others..and wants me not to think that other has an obligations about i must go with my own..
its made me tough until now..
my mom..
she's really really someone whom i can't live without..
you know, i tell anything to her, about my relationship, my friendship, whatever..*not really all the things, i think*
she gave me some advice that made me feel no one in the world can destroyed me..
she gave all with her love..
my sister..
okey..hahaha..maybe for you who ever met me and my sister, u'll tell me that i like an evil you,know..hahaha
but, over all..i love her, even she never know..
sometimes i told something that i don't tell to my mom or anyone..
she's good listener.. :)
yaaayyy.. i always smile if i see this picture.. he is funny, isn't he? hahaha
yaa..he fill my life with smile, laugh, and joy..
he is my first..maybe many people didn't believe if i said this..but..this is real..
and i'm his first too..hahaha
and i hope this is the last..amenn
too many words to explain about him..
berantem sih pasti, but, it just took 1 hours or something, gak sampe larut-larut gitu..
only him can made me fully angry
only him can made me laugh loudest
only him cannot stop my tears, but only him can stop my tears..
many things i learned from him, about life, about friend, about love, anything..
mereka juga bagian dari hidup gw..
ketawa, marah, nangis, kesel, sebel..mereka smua yang slalu bareng sama gw..ngegila, smua gw bareng mereka..
meskipun sekarang kita udah kepisah pisah, tapi tetep keep contact kok...
yang perlu mereka tau, GW SAYANG BANGET SAMA LO SEMUA, GUYS.. meskipun gw bawel, cerewet, iseng, ngeselin, nyebelin, lebay dan suka brisik tentang Agnes Monica, tapi gw juga tau lah kalo lo pada sayang sama gueee..hahahahaha
kangen smuaaa!!!
oh God, i don't ever want to lost them all..
i love them all so much..
bless them in every single steps they take..
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
day by day, i grow up until today..
in the age of 18th, i realized that, i really really lucky being born as my self..
you know, i have family which is loveable.. my dad, mom, also my sister even i look like -usually easily get angry with her- but, i love them so much..
they all filling my life with everything.. smile, tears, all of that..that maybe no one from you know the problems inside.. (but i told to my boyfriend) hehehe
my dad..
he's the best man ever that i have..he always made me feel comfortable, even sometimes i hate to..i know he loves me..i know know he didn't want anything bad will annoying me..
he taught me being independent about my life..
he taught me to not rely on others..and wants me not to think that other has an obligations about i must go with my own..
its made me tough until now..
my mom..
she's really really someone whom i can't live without..
you know, i tell anything to her, about my relationship, my friendship, whatever..*not really all the things, i think*
she gave me some advice that made me feel no one in the world can destroyed me..
she gave all with her love..
my sister..
okey..hahaha..maybe for you who ever met me and my sister, u'll tell me that i like an evil you,know..hahaha
but, over all..i love her, even she never know..
sometimes i told something that i don't tell to my mom or anyone..
she's good listener.. :)
yaaayyy.. i always smile if i see this picture.. he is funny, isn't he? hahaha
yaa..he fill my life with smile, laugh, and joy..
he is my first..maybe many people didn't believe if i said this..but..this is real..
and i'm his first too..hahaha
and i hope this is the last..amenn
too many words to explain about him..
berantem sih pasti, but, it just took 1 hours or something, gak sampe larut-larut gitu..
only him can made me fully angry
only him can made me laugh loudest
only him cannot stop my tears, but only him can stop my tears..
many things i learned from him, about life, about friend, about love, anything..
mereka juga bagian dari hidup gw..
ketawa, marah, nangis, kesel, sebel..mereka smua yang slalu bareng sama gw..ngegila, smua gw bareng mereka..
meskipun sekarang kita udah kepisah pisah, tapi tetep keep contact kok...
yang perlu mereka tau, GW SAYANG BANGET SAMA LO SEMUA, GUYS.. meskipun gw bawel, cerewet, iseng, ngeselin, nyebelin, lebay dan suka brisik tentang Agnes Monica, tapi gw juga tau lah kalo lo pada sayang sama gueee..hahahahaha
kangen smuaaa!!!
oh God, i don't ever want to lost them all..
i love them all so much..
bless them in every single steps they take..
♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
hai semuaanyaaa
hahaha.. bingung, posting-postingan sebelum sebelumnya ilang lupa sih, udah pernah gw apus ato gimana..
udah lama banget gw gak ngunjungin blog ini..
sekarang sudah lebih baik *menurut gue* tampilannya
ntar deh yaa..kapan kapan dibenerin dulu..masih ada tugas menumpuk niihh..
ntar sore deh mau posting lagii..
thanks ya Bonita Cinintya Putri atas sarannya menggunakan blog ini :)
c u guys!
udah lama banget gw gak ngunjungin blog ini..
sekarang sudah lebih baik *menurut gue* tampilannya
ntar deh yaa..kapan kapan dibenerin dulu..masih ada tugas menumpuk niihh..
ntar sore deh mau posting lagii..
thanks ya Bonita Cinintya Putri atas sarannya menggunakan blog ini :)
c u guys!
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